St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

The St. Petersburg state university of Architecture and Civil engineering is a 4-star, high quality and one of a kind university located in St. Petersburg in Russia. This university was established in 1832 and is one of a kind in its subject area. The university is specialized in construction and urbanism. They only offer programs in the fields of architecture, civil engineering, road-building, economics and law of transport. Therefore, the university consists of only 6 faculties in these subject areas. The university has hired the nationally and internationally well-known professionals in these departments. D.I. Grimm, V.V. Evald, P. Yu. Susar, N.V. Sultanov are just a few of the many knowledgeable and skilled lecturers and professors of the university.

The university is located in St. Petersburg, the city which is known as the cultural hub of the country. The university has contributed a lot to the construction of the main parts of the city.

The university has more than 13000 students, 700 of which are international students from about 60 countries around the globe. The university has employed around 700 professors and lecturers in its 6 faculties. Since, they emphasize the importance of research and examination, before actual application of their knowledge in practical situations, they have provided 20 specialized laboratories in various faculties.


The main advantage of the university can be its long and fruitful history. This university has been in action since 1830s and has gained valuable experience in its long life. The university has educated and also benefited from some of the best engineers in the Russian history. The university has evolved and developed an outstanding curriculum today, with the help of its previous researchers and lecturers. 

The university works in collaboration with the St. Petersburg state municipality and has conducted various research and investigation on many of the historical buildings of the area. The reconstruction process of these buildings was also undertaken by this university. Students can be a part of these projects, and participate in both research, investigation and the actual practice of the reconstruction project.

Student life

Since 2006, the university has established an organization which would take care of the extra-curriculum activities of the university. They have started establishing student unions and clubs for a better and more beneficial life at the university. Students can get together in Kirpich (Brick in Russian) student club and join one of the many unions in specialized in one field. Students not only develop their skills at these clubs, but also can join one of the many festivals that take place in Russia annually and portrait their skills to the world. There are also various activities in different days of the year which would help students get acquainted with the new environment and the new life that they are going to have at St. Petersburg.

The university has also provided a full sports complex with many amenities needed for a healthy life at the university. Students and staff can use the sports hall, courts and fields inside the campus. Winter sports are also favored in this area and the university has provided several facilities around St. Petersburg for students.

The university has provided student dormitories in the central parts of the city. These dorms are on a walking distance from the main campus and contain all the facilities needed for a comfortable life at the city.

University ranking

This university is one of the best universities in Russia. In the city of St. Petersburg, this university has been ranked as the 13th best university of the city. In the country, the university falls among the top %30 of the universities and even in the world, this university has been ranked among the top %30 of universities. The unirank website has also ranked this university among top %30 of Russian universities with a rank of 138. The university has also been mentioned in the QS world university ranking as a 4-star university and one of the most notable ones in the northern nations.

The university develops more and more everyday and the number of publications in different faculties are increasing annually.

Faculty of Civil engineering

This faculty, with more than 300 publications in a year, is one of the best faculties in Russia. This faculty consists of 11 departments and has various laboratories in these departments. The university has employed knowledgeable and professional teachers, most of whom are the graduates of the university itself. The faculty cooperates with large construction organizations and students can take part in their projects and learn the practical knowledge of their field in these organization.

Faculty of automobile and road engineering

This faculty is one of the newer faculties of the university and was established at 1947. The reason for the establishment of this faculty was the need in the country for new roads and transportation opportunities after the world war. So, this faculty was established with a concentration on educating the young engineers who can help the development of Russia. The faculty consists of 5 departments and is also equipped with several advanced study centers.

Faculty of Architecture

The city of St. Petersburg consists of many historical buildings with high architectural values. The faculty of architecture tries to preserve this tradition by educating architects who are both educated with the most modern knowledge of the field and also value the traditions of historical Russian architecture.

Admissions and application process

  1. Identity documents
  2. Educational achievements (diplomas, transcript of records)
  3. Application form
  4. Statement of consent to enrollment
  5. Two photographs
  6. Document confirming registration in the individual (personified) accounting system (if any).
  7. A document confirming that the applicant is the winner, prize-winner of the corresponding Olympiads.
  8.  Other documents listed in clause 48 of the Rules for admission to SPbGASU for undergraduate educational programs, specialist programs, master’s programs.

Why St. Petersburg university of Architecture and Civil engineering?

This university is specialized in the field of engineering and construction, therefore would be the perfect choice for the students willing to pursue careers in this field. The university is very old and carries a huge reputation as the school for the best engineers in Russia. This university is located in St. Petersburg which is one of the most beautiful and the best cities of Russia and has a lot to offer students, especially architecture students.

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