People’s Friendship University of Russia


People’s Friendship University of Russia

The Russian university of people’s friendship has been established by the USSR government to create equal education opportunities for developing and even some developed Asian, African and Latin American nations. The university website uses the acronym RUDN, which are the first letters of university’s Russian name, as its official name. This university accepts individuals from these nations and offers them the best and most modern opportunities of education. Students of this university represent about 450 nations of the world. Many of the presidents, prime ministers and CEOs of developing countries, especially in Africa and Latin America have studied in this university.

The university consists of 4 campuses, all of which are located in the capital city of Russia, Moscow. Being located here opens many opportunities for students of the university. Since the city is the commercial, industrial and political hub of the country, students can gain valuable experiences during their studies at this university.

This university has more than 33000 students, 10000 of which are international students. This is the most percentage of international students in any university in Russia. The university has employed about 2800 highly skilled and professional staff in 17 faculties and 162 departments. The university offers 480 programs in these faculties to all the students. There are about 300 additional programs, such as short-term programs and language programs that students can choose and study.


The first and the most important advantage of this university is certainly the international environment of the university. There are students from 140 countries, of 5 continents of the planet Earth. Most of these students are the most talented and intelligent students of their countries with high motivation and skills. They usually grow up to be very successful professionals, businessmen or politicians for their countries. Everyone can surely learn a lot about different countries and learn a great deal about their culture at this university.

Just like many Russian universities, the RUDN is also a research-oriented higher education center. They have emphasized the importance of research throughout their history. Researchers of the university have made impressive discoveries and are continuing to work on many areas of science for further discoveries. Therefore, the university is equipped with the best and most modern facilities and laboratories needed in all fields and departments.

Student life

The RUDN university is a small world. Students from hundreds of cultural backgrounds have gathered here to pursue their academic and professional dreams. The university provides dozens of cultural and social activities in which all the students can take part. Since this university is a multicultural university, there are various types of events held at the university annually. Events such as the RUDN birthday, knowledge day, Tatiana day and etc. take place at this university annually.

The international cultural organization of the university has also organized many student clubs in different fields so students with different cultural and social backgrounds can join and enjoy some leisure time with people of their own type.

The university also offers 14 different student hostels inside the campuses. These hostels vary from five-story buildings to high-rise skyscrapers with varying amenities inside. There are some superior rooms with better amenities and many normal, comfortable rooms for students.

The university has many sports facilities, both indoor and outdoor and even ski depots inside the campus. besides these facilities, university has provided highly skilled coaches and teachers to help students have a healthy life style. There is also an annual sporting event called Spartakiade, or student Olympics, which takes place at the university. Students can compete with their fellow students in the 9 Olympic sports at this competition.

University ranking

The people’s friendship university of Russia is the 31st best university of the country according to CWUR. The same ranking has ranked RUDM among the 1600 top universities in the world. The QS world university ranking ranked this university as the 317th best university in the world and among the most prestigious ones in Russia. Times higher education has also put this university among its top universities with a rank between 800 and 600. The US news has ranked the RUDM as the 1035th best university in the world. This university has been ranked among some of the best universities in special subject areas.

Faculty of sciences

This faculty is one of the oldest and internationally famous faculties of the university. The faculty consists of 7 departments in various areas of science. The department of mathematics and chemistry have been ranked as the 171st and 384th best faculties in the world. This faculty is working in cooperation with more than 50 universities in other countries all around the world. The faculty owns 40 fully equipped laboratories in various departments. Duo to the importance of internship, students can join the internship programs at Kurchatov institute and some other places during their studies.

Faculty of humanity and social sciences

This faculty consists of more than 15 departments, the most famous of which are politics and sociology departments. Students can do research in actual government offices and can visit many ambassadors at the Day of the Ambassador at the university. The university is also partnering with more than 40 international universities and students can get 2 diplomas, both from RUDN and another university in one of the partner countries.

Institute of medicine

The institute of medicine is equipped with both the best facilities and the most skilled professors that you can find any where in Russia. The university has many laboratories and even in simulation center which has been designed to help students reduce stress before starting their professional careers. Students can also do more than 160 internship programs in many hospitals and clinics all around Russia. This institute is also a partner of various universities abroad.

Why RUDN university?

This university is one of the most prestigious universities in Russia. However, unlike the location, the university represents the whole world. This university was established to help talented and intelligent students from developing countries get a proper education. Many of the African and Asian prime ministers and presidents have studied here and now are great representatives of RUDM. So for students seeking a great education in and international environment where they can meet people from all around the world, the people’s friendship university of Russia would be the best choice.

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